
So What's Wrong With My Hair?

So recently I was having a 'hair' discussion with a friend who is also a natural. The topic of natural hair and workplace was on the agenda. What disturbed me about this discussion was the remarks she has to deal with about wearing her natural hair to work, which sadly comes from her own African American co workers.

Why is natural hair considered a no-no in corporate America?

Last summer Glamour Magazine had to deal with an issue pertaining to insensitive racial comments made by a former white staffer who branded black hairstyles as no-nos because they were considered political.Though I'm not surprised by this comment I'm disturbed that the wrong hair could affect your job, in this case Afro hair.

While I don't subscribe to the belief that you should be free to wear your hair however you want in a work setting. I do have a problem with being penalized for the hair that grows naturally from my roots.

Have you had a notable experience with your hair and job?


Feather Hair Clip

OMG just found this hair clip, aren't they the cutest! You can find them on wetseal.com for $6.00.

Cutie Booties

I was perusing the Steve Madden website, when I came up on this cute pair of boots. They cost $99.95 but I'm sure I can get this from Baker's for less.


Random Hairness!

Believe me, there are some days when I have a love-hate relationship with this hair. I am all for healthy hair but the process to get there and maintain is so tiring. My hair is so thick, it makes grooming even more time consuming.

Now don't get me wrong, I adore my hair but sometimes I'm too lazy to spent time on grooming, couple that with the fact that I'm not the most skilled hair stylist. My hair is a endless stream of routine and regimen which gets boring after a while.

Ahh lets not forget the endless hair products available for every hair condition. The list gets daunting. The choices are too many. The benefits are too few. It seems everyone else is pretty chirpy about their hair.

*sigh.. maybe its just me?


Check out Nneka.... love the beat!

Simple Hair Clarifier

2 cups warm water
1/2 cup lemon

Mix together apply to hair. Great for breaking down product buildup. Use this before shampooing or between shampoo and deep conditions.

Herbal Shampoo

Do try this at home. Re-work the recipe to compliment your hair.

7 oz distilled water
4 Tbsp liquid castile soap
6 Tbsp Herbs
Glass jar or bowl
Plastic 8oz bottle( you can use a spray bottle)

Choose 2 or 3 herbs for your hair(check my herbs list for reference).

Pour distill water in pot and boil.
Place herbs in strainer over glass jar or bowl.
Pour hot water over herbs allow to steep for at least 10 minutes, if you want a stronger mix leave it longer( don't get herbs into the water).

Pour castile soap in the other bottle, then pour herbal water into the bottle.

That's it! Pretty simple. This should take approximately 20 minutes to make, including steeping time.


Beautiful Natural Hair Chicas

There's nothing I love more than seeing models,actresses,entertainers and regular ole folks wearing their natural roots.


Jessi M'bengue

Hayley Marie Norman

Wakeema Hollis





Lace Front Wigs

Lately I have been thinking of wearing more protective styles for my hair. The easy go to for me is a wig. I have only owned one in my lifetime but I absolutely loved it.This is great for when I'm feeling lazy about styling my hair.

My last wig was a straight bob, very flattering for my face type, but I do so love curly hair so I'm thinking of investing in a curly lace front wig.

I've been doing a bit of research since I have absolutely no clue about fake hair, so I'm basically in the dark about hair quality and so forth.

I'm looking for something in this region.

Or Maybe

I've always admired Erykah Badu's array of afro wigs. I've got to hand it to that woman, even her fakes are true to who she is, but I need a bit of something to wear that in public.

Here are a couple of her refine styles that I like.


I love this Turban Headband from forever21.com. Use in place of your regular hair scarf for an alternate look. They come in different colors too. At $3.80 a pop,they are very affordable.

Honey Hair Conditioner

Try this at home. It's easy, cheap and effective.

2 Tbsp Honey
4 Cups warm water
1 tsp Baking soda

Mix it all together and apply to hair. Cover for 15 mins then wash out.
Look at how your hair glows.

Why honey?
Its molecules retains moisture which is great for dry hair.

Mix and Match recipes and find what works best for you. Don't go overboard on honey unless you want to attract bees!

Stuck in a Hairstyle Rut

That's it-! I'm in a style rut. My hair basically falls obediently into place for my usual ponytail. It's not that I don't have the time to style but I have gotten pretty lazy with my hair routine. My whole shampoo, deep conditioned styled hair is boring.

Now I know there are many styles out there to experiment with, but if you are like me with minimal ( I mean minimal) hairstyling skills then its not hard to see where the challenges lie.

The upsweep, twisties, ponytail and full 'fro is all I'm skilled to do. I see so many others with effortless style, but even with step by step tutorials my hair always looks very different from the original style.

So my resolution this week is to try a new hairstyle everyday and I'm sticking to that( at least I'll try)


Natural Beauty Danielia Cotton

I am excited about this month's natural beauty and I must admit I know next to nothing about her. The pictures of her dreads are exquisite.... Sigh- I wish I was brave to enough to loc my hair...well maybe sometime in the future.

Her name is Danielia Cotton and she is a rock artist. She released her first album in 2005 called Small White Town. Since I love me some rock I'm gonna check this out. Get back to you with that!